Creative landscape photography from the North

“Capturing the emotion of places through photography.”


Featured in

Fine Art Photography Prints

Transform your space with stunning landscape prints that bring a touch of natural beauty to your home or office. Available in various sizes and formats to suit your decor.

"Mikko’s photography has a rare ability to transform a space. His work captures emotions that few photographers can.
The Lost World, is the centrepiece of my collection, and I continue to be captivated by its depth and beauty."

James W. - UK

"When I unwrapped Mikko's print, it felt like I was stepping right into the scene. The depth, the mood, it's pure magic. Every guest in my home asks about it!"

Elizabeth G. - USA

Learn Photography And Editing

Elevate your photography skills with my comprehensive tutorials, Lightroom presets, and eBooks.
Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned photographer, find resources to enhance your craft.

Client Work

I've had the pleasure of working with various unique brands and clients. If you're looking for a photographer to bring your vision to life, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me. Together, we can make your dream project a reality!

Tours and Coaching

Join me for an unforgettable photographic adventure. Explore stunning locations and capture moments you'll cherish forever. I'll guide you personally, sharing creative techniques to elevate your photography. See amazing landscapes, immerse yourself in nature, and discover your unique vision. This experience is about creating lasting memories and photographs you'll be proud of.

"Attending Mikko's workshop was an incredible experience! His passion for photography is contagious. I walked away not only with stunning photos but also with a fresh perspective on storytelling through photography. Highly recommended!"

Emma K

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Free Photography Tutorials

I share the knowledge I have gathered from the 15-year photography journey as free tutorials. Find tutorials on everything from minimalistic landscape photography to night photography.

Mikko Lagerstedt

As a landscape photographer from Finland, I strive to showcase the beauty of the world around us. Through my photography, I reveal the hidden treasures of often-overlooked places, bringing breathtaking landscapes closer to the viewer than they may have imagined.

My style is dreamy and minimalistic, capturing the essence of the world in all its glory - from the serene stillness of a foggy morning to the ethereal radiance of the Northern Lights.